Tuesday, December 22, 2009

there MUST be a delish alternative to sugared slugs, no?

i went to REI today and bought these beauties:
such sexy lil thangz! i LOVE snowshoeing aaaand since borrowing my maw-ma's snowshoes aint such a hot idea when we want to go up together, i decided to invest in some for myself! these are more delicious than delicata squash on a winter evenin (no, not really.) aaand i'm goin up tomorrow to give them a test drive! fantastiiiic!

as far as food goes, i've been havin some pretty basic meals: roastin up roots and brussel sprouts with olive oil, salt, and peppa aaaand eatin them over...what else? BROWN RICE! and stickin in some garbanzo beans (yum.). i guess i'll take a pic next time i have them because they are beauuuutiful! my roots of choice: parsnips, rutabagas, carrots, yams, jerusalem artichokes aaaand of course i threw whole cloves of garlic in there because i am like a walking human garlic clove!!!!
we also went to PCC today to do a shop....and i ended up with my kasha bar stash for the month! that is right, ladz and ladeez, over $40 worth of kasha bars!! hahah. i don't think i have really discussed kasha bars on this blog yet. p.s. for future reference, kasha=buckwheat groats.

kasha bars are the MOST AMAZING (and i know i say this about a lot of things, but seriously this time) things evaaaaa. i eat one or two every day and my brain cells and eyeballs can testify to the wonder contained in these rectangular chunks of goodness.

ingredients: dates, tahini, almond butter, vanilla, oat bran, kasha, and maple syrup.

these are sooooo fucking amazing. i have yet to find one person who does not like them! i took them on the backpacking trip i took in october to the olympic peninsula, and one of our trip guides claimed that pro bars were the only "energy bars" he liked. welllll.... def not asfter tryin a kasha bar! kasha bar POWAAAAA! i let nearly everyone have a piece and the vote was 10-0. 10 omg.yum.hlyfck, 0 nastys. kasha bar=always victorious.
kasha bar > cookies, cakes, ice cream, eyelids, chocolate, pubic hairs

i do not understand why people buy "powerbars" and not kasha bars. power bars look like turdeez, but are wrapped in not-so-cute gold.... they look like flattened slugs and taste like sugared vitamins. kasha bars are WHOLESOME and DELICIOUS!!

the end!
more recipes to come, i promise. maybe.

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