Thursday, December 10, 2009

hello, universe!

to the stars, to the moons, to zeus, the god who will shortly throw a lightning bolt my way, i have created a blog! i have no idea how often i will update this cute lil thang or vat! buuuuut. i finally made one. so now i can procrastinate by reading veegz (-vegan) blogs AND writing one! too bad i didn't start this earlier-- i knew i would regret it!

RULE #1: do not even think about grammar.
i will not waste time caring! typing=flowing like rivers that lack dung in every corner
#2: this adorable lil symbol (-) indicates that i am defining/clarifying a werd.
#3: pretend like my sanity has been preserved (sans preservatives).
#4: this will not become an obsessive-show-the-world-every-single-thing-you-have-consumed-in-a-day-food-log-omg-you-had-a-handful-of-raisins-and-didn't-take-a-photo?!
#5: if i DO post a photo it will be the equivalent of a fruit fly shitting on a banana peel.

thx werld <3

today was the first official day of WINTER HIBERNATION! bring on the pcorn and begin the top chef TV marathon! hahah. k not really, but i did top chef marathon last night with some deeeeelish miso soup and countless satsumas and crunchies (-apples)! yesterday my mamz (-mom) picked me up from school and we went to the old town cafe for some breakie brooooski (-breakfast). P.S. i might stop doing the whole defining thing at some pt. because it is hella annoying :). it was so delish! i had a massive tofu scrambz that was spiced with cumin and tamari with a bunch of veg aaand some black beans and corn tortillas. add a little tapatio and it was fab-u-loso! there were some dudes playing guitar throughout the meal so it added to the cuteness factor (7-8/10). the old town cafe is also part of the slow food movement which makes my heart grow to the size of jupiter's storm (in a happy way). afterwards, we went snowshoeing on mt. baker and it was fanTAStik! it was fucking freezing though (19 degrees), but soooo sunny and the mountain was literally glimmering. so amazing! i can't wait to get up and go snowboarding/snowshoeing agayn.

today, i met my brotha-haaa at UW (he's still in classes meepity meep meep for him) and went to his sociology of sexuality class. it was the "ask all ? you've ever had about sex day" soooo he invited me to come and it was quite similar to watching sue johansen but LIVE! and with pepper schwartz, a leading sex researcher who has apparently been on dr. phil and oprah? cooooool! she was really funny. unfortunately, she didn't answer about 6 questions pertaining to HER personal fav sex position, buuuut once she got to the sixth one asked us "why don't we
just freaking experiment?!?" hahaha. it was delightful. we then went to arayas the best vegan thai restaurant ever! aaaand i got kao (cow, but not srsly) lard (not actually) na which was a veggie dish (chinese brock, snow peas, cauliflower, asparasgus, green beans) with fresh tofu aaand of course.... BROWN RICE (eat it. do it. now.)! not exactly a dish with the most seasonal ingredients, buuut it was quite delicious and my taste buds said yes: i cleaned el plate!

now i am going to pick up my uncle from the airport. i haven't seen him in three years, sooooo this will be quite interesante!

my standard bowl of sustenance and happiness:

veggies + brown rice + beans + salsaaaaa! this pic was taken at laughing planet in PDX this summmmma. i love portland SO much. i really want to live/work/live/eat/live/eat/sleep/work there after i graduate from wwu :)

maybe this blog will be annoying. maybe it will be fun. maybe it will be fun and annoying. maybe no one will read it. maybe some people will! maybe i will post photos, maybe i won't. maybe i will rant all the damn time!

my dad and i went running this morn and it was soooo fucking freezing! like... 15 degrees. like... my nose hairs converted to icicles in a matter of 10 minutes. like... no thx! so we only ran 2 miles and retired our nose-hair-icicles/hands and feet that felt as heavy and numb as bricks. then we went to get some bruncherooni and were as :) as vegan-soy-clamz.

HASTA LUEGO for now!

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